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Paradise Thai Spa & Massage


JUNE 1, 2020




We understand the profound concern for the well-being of our personnel, clients, and our practice as we provide care through this pandemic. Included here are guidelines to help reduce the risk to our practice, clients, and others by the implementation of general safety protocols in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Safety is a team effort, so service providers and clients need to engage about effective sanitation, disinfection, personal hygiene, and preserving a safe office environment. We will also maintain detailed documentation of COVID-19 safety protocols in case an inquiry about our precautionary measures arises in the future.


We continue to work diligently to support our clients and staff through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For the most current information, we recommend reviewing the Healthcare Professionals guidance offered by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). That information is accessible at:  For specific inquiries regarding our practice or specialty, please contact


As the COVID-19 research and findings evolve, so will the standards of safety expected of Practitioners. As such, implementing these practices early will ensure all precautions are taken to minimize risk and maximize protection of our Practitioners, Personnel, and Patients. Be safe, be well, and thank you for your continuing commitment.




PATIENT INTERACTIONS Pre-Screening: During appointment reminder calls clients will be asked if they are suffering from any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. We will reschedule the Patient’s appointment for a later date if they are exhibiting any respiratory symptoms, or symptoms which could be attributable to COVID-19. We will ask the patient about any international or domestic travel within the last 14 days. Non-patients are asked to not accompany clients to the appointment. Re-scheduling: Clients are encouraged to be forthcoming about their health condition by eliminating penalties for last-minute cancellations or missed appointments. Even mildly ill patients are encouraged to stay home and contact their physician for further guidance.


  • Check-In Practices: Each Patient and Personnel member should sanitize their hands prior to participating in check-in procedures.

  • Ensure each Patient and Therapist is wearing a mask while interacting with check-in Office staff or therapist.

  • Measure the temperature of each Patient with a contact-less thermometer at check-in.

  • Sanitize all commonly used objects such as clipboards, pens, smart screens following each check-in.

  • COVID-19 Risk Informed Consent: Ensure each Patient reviews, initials, and signs the COVID-19 Risk Informed Consent. To reduce waiting room crowding and face to face interaction, e-mail intake documentation, including the

  • COVID-19 Risk Informed Consent, to patients so they can bring completed forms to their appointment.

  • Scheduling & Payments: When possible, appointment scheduling should be done online, via text message or over the phone.

  • Process payments using a contact-free method, e.g., send invoices via email with an option to pay online. If Patients are unable to pay online, invoices should be mailed to a verified address and payment should be accepted via mail.

  • If a Patient insists on using cash, presume it is contaminated and place the cash in a separate envelope for decontamination. Cash change should not be provided at time of payment. If the Patient has underpaid, bill the remaining amount electronically. If the Patient has overpaid with cash, provide the option to credit the Patient’s account with the overage; or, advise the Patient of mail or electronic methods to remit the difference.




Waiting Room: Avoid having multiple patients in the Office waiting room. This may mean spacing appointments further apart. Patients are encouraged to call or text when they arrive and then wait in their cars until they receive a text or call from your Office indicating that it is their turn. The therapist will then greet the customer at the entrance to be taken to the therapy room.

COVID-19 Signage: Post signs outside of Office entrance door describing potential COVID-19 symptoms. Include your Office contact information on the exterior sign so the Patient can reschedule the appointment without entering if they are exhibiting symptoms.

Facemasks: Provide supplies such as facemasks, alcohol-based sanitizer, hand soap, and tissue to Patients at Office entry

Spacing: Place chairs at least 6 feet apart, if possible.

Visitors: Counsel adult Patients to attend their appointments alone, if possible. Limit non-patient presence in the office. If a non-patient individual accompanies a patient, inform them that they are required to wear a mask and have their temperature checked.

Public Health Notifications: Diligently monitor the COVID-19 infection rate in your local community. Continue evolving your safety protocols consistent with CDC guidelines, as well as those of your state and local public health agencies.


FACILITY SAFETY  Surface Sanitization Practices – Work Stations: Encourage regular sanitization of work stations by making cleaning products and sanitizing wipes available to all employees.  Surface Sanitization Practices – Patient Areas: Disinfect all Patient areas between Patient appointments. In addition to treatment tables, all therapeutic equipment, counter tops, chairs, door handles, clipboards, and garment hooks should be disinfected prior to and following each treatment.  Social Distancing: Ensure premises floor is clearly marked with brightly colored markers to indicate 6 feet of distance in areas where individuals may congregate.  Daily Disinfection: Ensure the Office is disinfected prior to opening and after closing daily.


PERSONNEL AND PRACTITIONER SAFETY  Staff Pre-Screening: Conduct pre-screening of staff at the beginning of the shift. Assess suspicious symptoms and send the staff member home if any COVID-19 related symptoms are present.  Protect Personnel: Ensure all Office personnel who come in close contact with Patients wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as facemasks, eye protection, and gloves. When possible, install barriers to limit contact with Patients.  PPE Protocols: Ensure Personnel is aware of PPE safety practices, including discarding gloves after use and starting each treatment with fresh PPE supplies.  Inventory of PPE: Conduct regular inventory of PPE supply to ensure availability to all members of the staff.  Personal Hygiene Practices: Mandate effective hand hygiene by ensuring the staff has access to alcohol-based sanitizer as well as hand soap and water. Providers should wash their hands and/or sanitize before and after each treatment.  Enforce Social Distancing: To the extent possible, allow for a minimum of 6 feet of space between Personnel while inside the Office.  Remote Employment: Set up remote employment for staff who perform administrative or nonpatient care tasks (i.e., billing, appointment confirmations, follow-up telephone calls) to reduce unnecessary exposure in the Office.  Sick Leave: Personnel who develop suspected COVID-19 symptoms, or any respiratory-related symptoms, should be instructed not to report to work. Ensure your sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance; and, that employees are aware of these policies.




Each client will have an individual container with lid for massage lotion, oil, or cream. These can also be mixed for use with essential oils or CBD treatments.

©2024 by Paradise Thai Spa

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